I've finally made a decision about the tea and cupcake swap, and started work this week. Obviously can't say any more, as that would ruin the suprise. But on a cakey theme, I've just discovered my sister has returned from a weekend in Glasgow, with Tunnocks teacakes and caramel wafers, with plain chocolate! I've only heard of their wonder, and while I enjoy the milk variety, the idea of a dark chocolate shell, cracking to reveal the fluffy white marshmallow, is far too exciting, and I can hardly wait until I can collect them this weekend! I should mention, my new job is finance assistant at St Martins Art School, not for Tunnocks marketing department. Although I'd swap in a heartbeat if they'd have me!
My cake-based-crafting that does mean I've had to put the denim quilt on hold for a little while, as there's no deadline on that one. It does mean I may be able to get a couple more pairs, as I had an offer from a friend last week. It does seem to have inspired people, the whole recycling aspect of it. There I was thinking it would cost a fortune getting all the fabric. But I have resolved that although I may not sew it yet, I will start the cutting process this week.
Having got my beautiful new sandals last week, I'm yet to wear them! Just waiting for a day I can be assured it wont rain. Not looking too hopeful, as this seems to be turning into a tradition English summer. My mum had hailstones where she is today.
But it is doing my little garden the power of good!
I assure you, this picture does show the most perfect little french bean flower. It's just they're quite small, and not easy to get to in their little wigwam! But they're such a lovely shade of lilac, and so delicate. The sweet pea pyramid is blooming well, and smells beautiful, but is covered in greenfly! I need ladybirds, fast.
With a bit of luck, this week will be a little sunnier, and I can get out and enjoy my little bit of green in East London. With milk chocolate teacakes, to tide me over!
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